Canada is a melting pot of nations today, but even before Europeans came to the continent, The Native Tribes of this region of North America had already included three large groups of nations. Currently, one of them is called First Nations which is the Canadian way of referring to Indians. Another group is Inuit and the third is Métis.
Needless to say, the descendants of these tribes are doing their best to preserve the customs and traditional arts. Due to this fact, you have a unique chance of purchasing exclusive handmade items created according to the ancient traditions of The Native Tribes. Let’s look at some of the most popular goods you can buy in Canada.
Miniature totem poles
Totem poles of the First Nations are available in several sizes. The majority of them are rather big, however, it is possible to find smaller versions which you will be able to take back home. These miniature poles are sold made in plain wood as well as coloured ones.
In case, there is no chance for you to travel with a totem pole, even with a really small one, you can always purchase some other souvenirs with totem poles such as bookmarks or fridge magnets.
Wooden Masks
One of the most crucial artefacts used by First Nations are wooden masks referring to different animals. The design of these masks is absolutely unique, so, if you want to bring something very uncommon from your trip, you should definitely pay attention to these masks.
They can be purchased in two sizes. Larger masks are in their original size. They are supposed to be used for performing special dances. Smaller ones are produced for collectors.
Items to enhance spirituality and improve energy
If you or anyone you love is interested in spirituality, you can buy some unique Canadian talismans of different types. For example, you can choose out of a large collection of pocket charms which look like small metallic pieces resembling coins. These pocket spirits should be kept in such a place where you will be able to carry them with you all the time. Some of the protective spirits you can choose from Dedication, Healing, Loyalty, Wisdom, Energy, Power, Grace, Creativity, Peace and Leadership.
You can also get Pocket Spirits as lockets, so you will be able to wear them on yourself. Such spirits are called spirit totems. Furthermore, you can also find Stone Totems in the Canadian souvenir shops. The stone talismans are pebbles carrying some important words of the positive things they will help you to attract into your life.
Moreover, you can also find special medicine stone jewelry that is very popular in the stores with the First Nations souvenirs.
Of course, don’t forget about dream-catchers, although these symbols of the culture of First Nations have already become so popular that you can find these items almost all around the world. Yet, if you want to purchase one which was really made in the home of Indians, your trip to Canada will be a great opportunity for fulfilling this plan. It is also a great idea to purchase some original jewelry styled as a dream-catcher. For example, you can come across earrings in the shape of dream-catchers.
Other gifts referring to Native Tribes
Undeniably, the patterns and styles used in the traditional art of Native Tribes can be found on mainstream products such as bags, wallets, mugs or T-shirts. Some of them are examples of mass production, whereas others are real masterpieces of manual labour. Of course, the price for these things can differ a lot.
Accessories and clothes referring to the art of Native Tribes, especially First Nations, are great for anyone who loves the bohemian style.
You will also find a lot of interesting books and albums with photos for those people, who are particularly interested in the history, culture and art of Canadian Native Tribes.